Majlis Penyerahan Anugerah dan Piala Pusingan Anugerah Buku Malaysia 2020

Majlis Penyerahan Anugerah dan Piala Pusingan Anugerah Buku Malaysia 2020. Piala pusingan dan plak telah disampaikan oleh YBrs. Tuan Mohd Khair Ngadiron.

Majlis Penyerahan Anugerah dan Piala Pusingan Anugerah Buku Malaysia 2020. Piala pusingan dan plak telah disampaikan oleh YBrs. Tuan Mohd Khair Ngadiron.

Tarikh : 7 Jun 2022, Selasa
Masa : 4:30 – 5:30 petang
Tempat: Pentas Utama, Pesta Buku Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur 2022, World Trade Centre Kuala Lumpur.

Tahniah kepada semua pemenang.

Anugerah Buku Malaysia Ke-2

Salam sejahtera.

Insya-Allah, MABOPA sekali lagi menganjurkan Anugerah Buku Malaysia untuk tahun ke-2, mulai 7hb Februari hingga 4 Jun 2022. Dijemput semua penerbit mencalonkan buku masing-masing untuk anugerah ini.

Buat kali kedua juga, e-Sentral menjadi rakan teknologi anugerah, di mana semua buku yang dicalonkan perlu dimuat naik “softcopy”nya ke platform yang disediakan khusus oleh e-Sentral.

Tarikh-tarikh penting:

  1. Tarikh buka pencalonan: 7 Februari 2022
  2. Tarikh tutup pencalonan: 22 Mac 2022
  3. Proses senarai pendek: 4-20 April 2022
  4. Proses penilaian akhir: 25 April – 29 Mei 2022

Buku-buku yang layak dicalonkan untuk #ABM2 ini hendaklah yang telah diterbitkan dari 1 Januari 2015 hingga 31 Disember 2021.

Kategori-kategori anugerah yang dipertandingkan dalam #ABM2:

Peraturan kelayakan #ABM2:

Satu taklimat khas berserta demo oleh e-Sentral akan akan diadakan pada 15 Februari 2022 (Selasa), jam 2.30 petang pautan Zoom akan diberikan dalam masa terdekat.

Sila layari untuk keterangan lanjut.

Mabopa, MBA dan Shopee menangani isu buku teks

Persatuan Penerbit Buku Malaysia (Mabopa) dan Persatuan Penjual Buku Malaysia (MBA) telah menyeru ahli-ahli mereka yang memiliki hak pengedaran rasmi buku teks dan buku kerja sekolah untuk meningkatkan peruntukan stok di kedai Shopee mereka bagi menangani masalah pengedaran buku teks dan buku kerja di seluruh negara.

KUALA LUMPUR, 3 Februari 2021 – Persatuan Penerbit Buku Malaysia (Mabopa) dan Persatuan Penjual Buku Malaysia (MBA) telah menyeru ahli-ahli mereka yang memiliki hak pengedaran rasmi buku teks dan buku kerja sekolah untuk meningkatkan peruntukan stok di kedai Shopee mereka bagi menangani masalah pengedaran buku teks dan buku kerja di seluruh negara.

Isu ini dilaporkan awal minggu ini di mana golongan ibu bapa di Selangor, Melaka dan Negeri Sembilan menyuarakan kekecewaan mereka apabila tidak dapat mencari buku teks dan buku kerja fizikal untuk anak-anak mereka.

Dengan bantuan daripada platform e-dagang Shopee, persatuan-persatuan ini telah mewujudkan sebuah portal “Kedai Buku Shopee” yang memudahkan para ibu bapa untuk mencari dan dapatkan buku-buku yang diperlukan di satu tempat khas.

Presiden Mabopa Arief Hakim Sani Rahmat berkata, “Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) 2.0 tidak sepatutnya menjadi alasan untuk aktiviti pengajaran dan pembelajaran dihentikan. Pendidikan amat penting bukan hanya untuk ibu bapa tetapi juga untuk masa depan negara. Sebagai penerbit, kami sentiasa berusaha untuk menerbitkan buku teks berkualiti tinggi serta memastikan ketersediaan di seluruh negara. Oleh itu, kami telah menyeru semua ahli kami untuk meningkatkan stok mereka untuk dijual atas talian. Pada masa yang sama, kami menghubungi penjual buku dan pengedar kami untuk membincang cara-cara untuk memudahkan penjualan buku pelajaran melalui Shopee. Shopee juga amat responsif dan memberi sokongan serta infrastruktur baik kepada kami untuk menyelesaikan isu nasional ini.”

Tambah Presiden MBA Keith Thong, “Pada zaman teknologi ini, penjual-penjual buku bersedia untuk berkhidmat. Ahli-ahli kami datang daripada latar belakang yang berbeza, dengan bidang pengkhususan dari buku terlaris, buku teks, buku rujukan, panduan penyemakan serta ebook dan kursus pembelajaran atas talian. Untuk membantu generasi yang mahir dalam teknologi, kepantasan “on demand” amat penting dan kini penjual buku sentiasa berusaha untuk memajukan diri bagi menawarkan perkhidmatan yang terbaik. Ribuan terima kasih kepada Shopee sebagai sebuah pasaran dalam talian yang mantap dan mesra buku.

Pengarah Urusan Serantau Shopee Ian Ho berkata, “Menyahut permintaan Mabopa, MBA dan para ibu bapa seiring dengan janji kami untuk membantu masyarakat setempat. Selain menyediakan portal Kedai Buku Shopee untuk para ibu bapa, kami juga akan memberikan sokongan tambahan kepada komuniti dengan baucar pulangan tunai Syiling Shopee 20%. Walaupun ini tidak banyak, kami berharap usaha kami dapat membantu mengurangkan tekanan yang dilalui oleh para ibu bapa serta mendorong pembelajaran kerana kami percaya bahawa bakat dapat dicungkil dan dikembangkan melalui pendidikan.”

Bagi mereka yang mencari buku teks dan buku kerja di Shopee, buku-buku tersebut boleh didapati di, untuk pelajar Tahun Satu hingga Tingkatan Enam. Para ibu bapa juga boleh menggunakan kod baucar “KEDAIBUKU10” untuk mendapatkan pulangan tunai Syiling Shopee 20% dengan nilai sehingga RM10 untuk pembelian buku-buku di bawah inisiatif “Kedai Buku Shopee”.


Hari Buku Dunia – Kenyataan Media dari Industri Buku Dunia

International Publishers Association (IPA) publishing a joint statement about the importance of books and calling on governments around the world to support our industry alongside the International Authors Forum, the European Publishers and Booksellers Federation, IFRRO and STM in conjunction with the celebration of The World Book Day last 23 April 2020.


Pengarang, Penerbit dan Penggiat Industri Buku
Menuntut Sokongan Padu Antarabangsa

Kami yang menurunkan tandatangan di bawah sebagai wakil industri buku global mendesak kerajaan di seluruh dunia bagi mengiktiraf, menyokong dan meraikan kepentingan buku, instrumen penyelesaian pembelajaran serta kandungan ilmiah dan professional dengan menyediakan pakej rangsangan ekonomi bagi mempertahankan sektor penerbitan berkaitan serta rantaian nilai yang terlibat.

Hari ini, pada hari buku sedunia 2020, kita mengiktiraf peranan penting buku dalam masyarakat. Buku adalah wahana untuk kita belajar, meneroka dan berinteraksi dengan budaya lain serta membina impian dan harapan. Melaluinya, kita semakin memahami antara satu sama lain. Melaluinya juga kita belajar membina rasa empati. Bahkan, buku diperlukan untuk penyelidikan ilmiah dan akademia, bagi mendidik anak-anak kita dan sebagai instrumen penting dalam pendidikan sepanjang hayat. Buku membantu kita menjadi manusia yang lebih baik.

Buku memerlukan para pengarang untuk menulis dan menggambarkannya, para penerbit untuk melabur dalam penghasilannya, para penjual buku untuk membawanya kepada pembaca, dan organisasi pengurusan secara kolektif bagi melindungi hak cipta mereka. Semua rantaian nilai yang terlibat ini amat penting bagi masyarakat dan ia sekarang dalam situasi terancam.

Dalam situasi penjarakan sosial hari ini, kepentingan buku sudah mula diberikan penekanan semula. Kekal berada di rumah masing –masing dan mengisi masa itu dengan membaca buku adalah salah satu cara menjaga dan mengambil berat mengenai orang lain. Akhbar dan blog di seluruh dunia juga ada menyediakan senarai buku yang sesuai untuk dibaca sementara kita kekal berada di rumah masing-masing, sama ada bagi mengisi masa ataupun bagi memahami apa yang sedang berlaku. Buku akhirnya menjadi teman yang dicari dalam situasi sukar begini.

Pada situasi sekarang, ibu bapa di banyak negara terpaksa belajar menjadi pendidik. Para guru perlu mencari kaedah baru bagi menyalurkan bahan pembelajaran mereka kepada para pelajar. Penulis dan penerbit di seluruh dunia juga memberi respon dengan melesenkan kandungan mereka serta beralih kepada perkhidmatan digital.

Pembacaan buku atas talian seperti “Read The World” meledak penggunaannya, terutamanya apabila penerbit dan penulis proaktif memberikan sokongan kepada ibu bapa. Dunia juga bergantung kepada kajian dan penyelidikan yang diterbitkan dalam jurnal pakar bagi membimbing mereka dalam membentuk polisi dan dasar kesihatan seterusnya menghasilkan vaksin.

Pada ketika ini, pelaburan oleh para penerbit jurnal bagi mengesahkan hasil penyelidikan yang diperoleh serta penyebaran maklumat secara meluas berkaitannya adalah sangat penting. Malah, mereka secara sukarela mengorak satu langkah ke hadapan dengan memastikan hasil penyelidikan berkaitan COVID-19 sedia untuk diakses secara percuma dan bebas untuk digunakan semula.

Sama ada kita bercakap mengenai buku untuk khalayak umum, buku kanak-kanak, sumber pendidikan, ataupun penyelidikan ilmiah; kumpulan pengarang, penerbit, pengedar, penjual buku serta kumpulan organisasi pengurusan sudah memberikan respon dengan pantas bagi menyesuaikan diri apabila diperlukan, seterusnya memainkan peranan yang bertanggungjawab dalam masyarakat.

Virus COVID-19 memberi kesan amat buruk kepada semua orang tidak kira di mana mereka berada. Ekonomi jatuh merudum dan tidak ada sesiapa pun yang dapat meramalkan bilakah keadaan akan kembali pulih seperti sediakala. Kesannya sungguh dahsyat terhadap industri kreatif dunia, termasuk sektor buku.

Dalam kebanyakan negara, industri buku sudah di penghujung nafas. Kita perlu mencari jalan bagi memastikan masa depan bagi pengarang, penerbit, editor, pereka, pengedar, penjual buku dan mereka yang bekerja dalam persatuan dan pertubuhan kolektif, sehingga industri buku dapat bangkit kembali selepas wabak ini berjaya diatasi.

Dunia tanpa buku baru ibarat dunia yang kosong, kelam dan mundur. Kami sudah mengerahkan segenap tenaga bagi menghadapi krisis ini, namun kami tetap memerlukan bantuan, pertolongan dan sokongan untuk terus bertahan. Kami memerlukan kerajaan untuk sama-sama berganding bahu dalam membantu kami dalam mengharungi situasi getir ini.


KENYATAAN MEDIA: Belanjawan 2020 Tiada Berita Gembira Untuk Industri Buku.

MABOPA menggesa supaya kerajaan memberikan perhatian khusus kepada kejatuhan industri buku tempatan. Industri kreatif, budaya dan intelektual ini sedang berdepan dengan pelbagai cabaran; disrupsi digital, kejatuhan jualan retail, kejatuhan pembelian perpustakaan, dan kelemahan tabiat membaca buku.

Pada awal tahun ini, MABOPA telah menghantar memorandum kepada pihak kerajaan dengan cadangan-cadangan untuk memulihkan minat membaca dan seterusnya industri buku tempatan.

Antara cadangan utama kami dalam memorandum tersebut ialah ;

  1. Memberikan dana untuk kempen membaca kebangsaan dan kajian tabiat membaca kebangsaan.
  2. Mengembalikan insentif pelepasan cukai pendapatan individu untuk pembelian bahan bacaan sebanyak RM1000.
  3. Menaikkan dana untuk perpustakaan pelbagai jenis yang telah banyak dipotong sebelum ini. 
  4. Supaya Baucar Buku untuk pelajar pengajian tinggi di kembalikan semula.
  5. Mendanai pesta buku kebangsaan, negeri dan daerah sebagai aktiviti untuk menggalakkan pembacaan di peringkat akar umbi. 

MABOPA berdukacita apabila cadangan-cadangan kami ini tidak kelihatan dalam pembentangan Belanjawan 2020. Tahun 2020 bakal menjadi tahun yang kelam untuk industri buku tanpa sebarang rangsangan polisi dan fiskal dari kerajaan. Agenda membangunkan masyarakat yang membaca buku umpama cakap kosong semata-mata.

Dari segi pendanaan perpustakaan, MABOPA juga tidak melihat ada peningkatan yang bermakna. Umumnya, perpustakaan kita sudah lama tidak diberi dana yang secukupnya. Buku-buku dalam perpustakaan sekarang, ada yang sudah usang dan ketinggalan zaman. Bagaimana kita mahu menarik minat membaca anak jika bukunya sudah tidak mengikut trend semasa?

Dalam masa sama, kami juga dimaklumkan tentang cadangan kerajaan untuk membina beberapa perpustakaan digital yang baru. Pembinaan perpustakaan digital merupakan signal jelas kepada industri buku untuk menambah terbitan dalam format digital. Data terkini menunjukkan sudah ada 20 ribu tajuk tempatan diterbitkan dalam format ebook. Ebooknya sudah ada, tinggal menunggu perolehan dari perpustakaan digital ini untuk dimanfaat oleh rakyat.

Mengambil maklum Belanjawan 2020 yang memfokuskan pada pembangunan ekonomi digital, maka persatuan akan menggiatkan lagi program pada tahun hadapan yang memfokuskan pada e-dagang (ecommerce), emarketplace dan konten digital tempatan. Industri buku ini tidak asing dengan perubahan teknologi dan akan sentiasa berevolusi untuk memenuhi keperluan pembaca.

Terima kasih.

KLWBC2020: Rasmi Malaysia Tandatangan MOU bersama UNESCO

Malaysia di bawah Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia telah dengan rasminya menandatangani MOU bersama UNESCO untuk projek Kuala Lumpur sebagai Ibu Kota Buku Dunia 2020 (KLWBC2020) pada 23 September 2019.

Acara telah diwakili oleh YBhg. Datok Dr Mohd Gazali Abas (KSU KPM), YBhg. Datuk Haji Abang Sallehuddin bin Abg. Shokeran (KP DBP) dan Saudara Arief Hakim Sani Rahmat (Presiden MABOPA).

MABOPA merakamkan ucapan terima kasih kepada Mantan Presiden MABOPA sesi 2017/2019, Tuan Haji Ishak Hamzah yang telah champion projek itu. Tidak lupa juga kepada Pegawai DBP yang telah bersara Puan Zaiton Abu Samah yang bersama-sama menjayakan projek ini.

FREEDOM TO PUBLISH IN MALAYSIA: A BRIEF HISTORY by Md Sidin Ahmad Ishak University of Selangor

Freedom of expression and freedom to publish are human rights under Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The promotion and defence of freedom to publish is the fundamental subset of freedom of expression which is paramount for any democratic system to function adequately. It is considered as the mainstay of democracy and essential for a thriving civil society.

In the Malaysian context, the rights and liberties of the individual are recognised in the Federal Constitution of the country. The original Constitution was first introduced as the Constitution of the Federation of Malaya on 31 August 1957 (Independence Day) and subsequently as the Constitution of Malaysia on 16 September 1963 (Malaysia Day).

Article 10 of the Federal Constitution declares categorically in Clause (1) (a) that “every citizen has the right to freedom of speech and expression”. The article also guarantees Malaysian citizens the right to freedom of assembly peacefully and freedom of association. It gives the right to seek and disseminate information, and the right to be informed of various events of importance to all citizens. As in many countries, the freedom of expression in Malaysia is not absolute but subject to several restrictions as it carries with it special duties and responsibilities. These restrictions, provided by law, are necessary for respect of the rights or reputations of others, and for the protection of national security, public order, public health or morals.

Early Publishing and Printing

Evidence has shown that early Malay writing began in the 14th Century, and up to the 19th Century, thousands of Malay manuscripts in Jawi and Romanised scripts had been written and produced on paper using ink. The earliest printing press in Malaya, however, was established in 1806 in Penang by Andrew Burchet Bone who was given a license to publish a newspaper called The Government Gazette.  (Bloomfield, 1979). The first locally printed book in Malay was probably published in Melaka in 1817 by the Mission Press (Proudfoot, 1989).

According to Proudfoot (1989), from 1817 to the 1860s, printing was the preserve of the Christian missions. But during the half-century from 1860 to 1910, a flourishing Malay book trade sprang up in the Straits Settlements with a large number of Malay lithographs printed by commercial publishers. Of the Malay-language books, most were published by local Malay or Javanese publishers, mainly based in Singapore. Other significant categories of publication were Christian missionary tracts published by the Christian missions, school books published by private publishers who were sponsored by the government, Islamic books published by private publishers and Baba fictions published by Baba printers.

By 1920 Malay publishing was considered to have crossed a watershed (Proudfoot, 1989).  This is due to the improved communication and the rapid socioeconomic development especially in the Straits Settlements. Malay newspapers and magazines had begun to appear and circulate among the communities who had become literate with the introduction of education opportunities.  Together with the development in journalism, different book genres had also appeared such as creative romantic prose fiction, and translations of fiction from Arabic and English sources.

Malay book production between 1887-1920 was carried out through the lithographic technique which comprised about 39% (Proudfoot, 1986). More and more printers are using the letterpress printing technique. Between 1920 and 1950, about 170 publishers and 120 printers were found to be operating during this period mostly in the state of Penang, Perak, Johor,  Kelantan, Selangor and Singapore (Md Sidin, 1998). The provided opportunities for the local literary and non-literary works to thrive.

The top ten publishers during this period were Muhammad Ali al-Rawi,  Translation Bureau, Ahmad Press, Abdullah Nurdin al-Rawi, Sentosa Store,  Qalam Publishers/Kenari, P.BM.P.B., Methodist Mission, C.Dabab &  Co., and Peranakan Book Boy. Among the most active printers were Persama Press, United Press, Ahmadiah Press, Malay Press, Malaya Publishing House, Jelutong Press, Jawi Press, Khai Sing Press and Jamiliah Press.  As for authors, Dato Haji Ahmad Said Haji Sulaiman was the most prolific followed by Ahmad bin Abdullah, Wan Boon Seng, Abdullah Sidek,  Shamsuddin Salleh, Syed Syeikh Ahmad al-Hadi, Abdullah Abdul Hamid al-Edrus and Umar bin Muhammad Khan (Md Sidin, 1998). While English books were mostly written by colonial officers serving in Malaya, the Malay publications were written by teachers and journalists.

Pre-Independence Legislations

The earliest legislation related to publishing in the pre-independence Malaya was “The Book Registration Ordinance 1886,” introduced by the British Colonial government. This Ordinance was to provide for the registration of and the preservation of copies of books printed in the Straits Settlements, namely Singapore, Penang and Melaka and extended later to other States such as Perak (1985), and Selangor (1989).  However, this Ordinance also stipulated that all printers must have a license to operate the printing press.

Other legislations under the British Colonial government which monitored and restricted the freedom of expression include the Imperial Copyright Act 1911 which was modified for application to the Straits Settlements in 1914, Seditious Publications Ordinance 1915, Printing Presses Ordinance 1920,  Undesirable Publications Ordinance 1938, Official Secret Ordinance 1935,  and Emergency Regulation (Publications) Order 1939.

In June 1948 a state of emergency was declared in the British colony of Malaya when the Malayan National Liberation Army which was the armed wing of the Malayan Communist Party began a guerrilla insurgency to overthrow the British colonial administration in Malaya. It was during this time that the colonial government introduced the Printing Ordinance 1948 in order to counteract the Communist activities that were seen as a threat to the government. Under the Ordinance, all printing presses required a registration and license approved by the Home Minister and the license had to be renewed annually. In 1971, the Ordinance was revised to become the Printing Presses and Publications Act after the 13 May 1969 race riots.

Copyright Protection

Copyright grants the authors incentives in the form of recognition and fair economic rewards. Authors are assured that their works can be disseminated without fear of unauthorized copying. In Malaysia such a right is regulated under the Malaysia Copyrights Act 1987 and common laws from other commonwealth countries which are binding in Malaysian legal court. The Malaysian Copyright Act 1987was enacted to make better provisions in the law relating to copyright in Malaysia. It repealed the Imperial Copyright Act of 1911 which was the copyright law used in British Malaya as well as throughout the British Empire during the colonial era.

Copyright  is a non-registrable right in Malaysia but it enjoys automatic protection. Copyright owners,  however, can claim ownership by way of a Statutory Declaration or by filing a Voluntary Notification at the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (MyIPO). MyIPO is the Malaysian intellectual property agency under the Ministry of Domestic Trade, Co-operative and Consumerism to provide  a range of intellectual property services, including domestic and international IP applications, protection, management and operation. With the enforcement of the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia Act 2002, the agency was corporatised on 3 March 2003 and known as the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia.

Malaysia became a signatory of Berne Convention for the protection of Literary and Artistic Works on 1 October 1990 and therefore, copyrighted work created in Malaysia would be recognised by each contracting member country of the Berne Convention. Among the Asean countries, Thailand was the earliest to join the Convention on 17 July 1931 while the Philippines made the entry on 1 August 1951. Membership of Berne Convention for other Asean countries are quite recent: Indonesia (1997),  Singapore (1998), Vietnam (2004), Brunei (2006) and Laos (2012).

Safekeeping and preservation of publications

As for the safekeeping of published works, the colonial’s Book Registration Ordinance 1886 which became the Preservation of Books Act 1966 and later the Deposit of Library Material Act 1986 (Act 331) stated that all publishers in Malaysia are required to submit their published materials for protection and preservation at the National Library. Five copies of books or serials, maps, charts and posters must be submitted while for non-printed materials such as films, videos, electronic media and microphones, two copies must be submitted to the National Library.

The National Library of Malaysia is the implementing agency for the Deposit of Library Material Act 1986. This Act stipulates the purpose and objectives of the National Library as the National Depository Centre to provide for the conservation and use of library material published in Malaysia. It is also to create standard bibliographic record of library materials published in Malaysia and to maintain statistical records of the materials. The National Library was established by the National Library Act (Act 80) passed in 1972 to make available for the use of present and future generations a national collection of library resources and to facilitate nation-wide access to library resources available within the country and abroad.

Printing Presses and Publications Act

One of the acts of law which regulate the freedoms of expression as granted by Article 10 of the Malaysian Constitution is the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984. The objective of this Act is to govern the usage of printing presses, production, reproduction, importation and distribution of publications in Malaysia. This Act replaced the Printing Presses Act 1948 and the Control of Imported Publications Act 1958.  Section 3 (1) of the Act states that “no person shall keep for use or use a printing press unless he has been granted a licence.”  Under the 2012 amendment of this Act, Section 3 (3) mentions that: “The Minister may grant to any person a licence to keep for use or use a printing press and he may refuse any application for such licence or may at any time revoke or suspend such licence for any period he considers desirable.”

Any person who keeps for use or uses a printing press without a valid licence will be guilty of an offence and upon conviction, he or she may be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or to a fine not exceeding twenty thousand ringgit or to both. In addition, the printing press used shall be seized.

Part IV of the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984 discusses the “control of undesirable publications,” and authorises the government to prohibit the printing, importation, production, or publishing of any material that is “in any manner prejudicial to or likely to be prejudicial to public order, morality, security;” is likely to “alarm public opinion,” or likely “to be contrary to the law or is otherwise prejudicial to or is likely to be prejudicial to” public or national interest.

This 2012 amendment repealed a provision that required all publishers and printing firms to obtain an annual operating permit,  but retaining most of the other restrictive measures, including the home minister’s authority to suspend or revoke publishing licenses. In Section 12, under “Validity of licence and permit” the amendment says:  “A licence or permit granted under this Act shall be subject to such conditions as may be endorsed in the licence or permit and shall remain valid for so long as it is not revoked.”

Subsection 6(1) of the original Act is amended by deleting the words “in his absolute discretion” referring to the home minister’s diecresion in revoking or suspending a newspaper license. The Home Minister no longer enjoys “absolute discretion” in performing his powers as previously stated in the original Act. In other words, he still has the powers but his decisions made under 1984 Act are subjected to judicial review. 

Banning of Publications

Free speech and free expression of thoughts has long been considered as a challenge and censorship has been used as a legitimate instrument for regulating the moral and political life of the population. Laws were used to restrain the press and literature and during the British colonial time, some laws used to curb literature include the Press Registration Act, the Customs Act, the Post Office Act, the Official Secrets Act, and various sections of the Penal Code.

After Independence, the Malaysian Government enacted legislation banning, and in some cases criminalising publications.  These laws involve bans on statements  and words considered as incitement to violence, offensive and hateful or on certain topics related to sex, nudity, pornography,  and homosexuality. As Malaysia battled a Communist insurgency, early bans focused on Communism and politics  as well adult publications, but later sensitive subjects include political ideologies, racial issues and religion.

It was reported that Malaysia banned 1,695 books from 1971 to 2017 which include 556 books in Malay, 516 in English and 450 in Chinese (Ooi Hoi Kin, 2017). Most of the banned books in Malay were on topics related to sex, nudity and pornography while others were on religion and politics. The Malay Dilemma by Mahathir Mohamad, for example, was banned for 11 years since its publication in 1970 and the ban ended when the author became Prime Minister in 1981. In 1994, a total of 75 titles by Darul Arqam, a Kuala Lumpur-based Islamic religious sect, were banned (Roosfa Hashim, 2006) when the movement were outlawed nationwide through a ruling issued by the National Fatwa Council on 5 August 1994 and the leaders were arrested under the Internal Security Act. It was viewed by the Department of Islamic Development (JAKIM) that the movement had become a militant group and was actively exposing deviant activities as well as practising deviant teaching. 

The recent years saw the banning of several literary works. Award winning writers, Shahnon Ahmad had one of his novels banned in 2000, and Faizal Tehrani  had at least seven of his works outlawed. A political cartoonist, Zulkiflee Anwar Haque  or popularly known as Zunar was one of the government’s harshest critics when Barisan National was in power. Zunar had a number of his books confiscated and his published works banned. He was arrested and detained in 2016 and he had nine sedition charges against him and could have faced 43 years in prison if he was proven guilty. However, in 2018 he was (2018), he was acquitted of his sedition charges.

News media which are heavily controlled by the government has become easy target. In 1987 during “Operasi Lalang”, a nationwide crackdown purportedly to prevent the occurrence of racial riots, two major daily newspapers, The Star and Sin Chew Daily, and two weekly newspapers, The Sunday Star and Watan, were closed down for several months. Their publishing permits were also suspended temporarily. Most of the staff working for the banned newspapers were laid off or otherwise threatened with prison and detainment, under the Internal Security Act. In 2009, several newspapers linked to opposition parties were banned in a clampdown including Harakah, which is linked to the Islamic party PAS, and Suara Keadilan of Keadilan party. 

The Edge Weekly and The Edge Financial Daily were suspended for three months in 2015. It was claimed that the suspension by the Home Ministry was due to biased reporting by the newspapers and consequently it had created negative public perceptions towards 1MDB, which was a problematic government business venture, and that the published news reports were based on doubtful and unverified information, which might be prejudicial to public order and national interest.

Under Section 4, any person found guilty of printing or producing material which is against public decency or which contain sedition and incitement to disobedience to the law, and which may lead to disorder, hostility and disunity shall be imprisoned for a term not exceeding three years or fined not exceeding RM20,000 or both. Any person who possesses any prohibited publication without reasonable excuse shall, on conviction, be fined not exceeding RM5,000. Under Section 5 (1), the Act states that it is an offence to print, import,  publish and distribute a newspaper without permit. Those found guilty of committing these offences shall be imprisoned for a term not exceeding three years or fined not exceeding RM20,000 or both.

Other Legal Restrictions

Other acts of law which regulate the freedom of expression granted by Article 10 of the Federal Constitution include the Official Secrets Act, which makes it a crime to disseminate information classified as an official secret. The Sedition Act 1948 makes it an offence to engage in acts with a “seditious tendency” that cause “hatred or contempt, or excite disaffection” against the government or its ruler, as well as “seditious” speech questioning the special privileges of the Malay people. Speaker’s intentions are irrelevant to any defense, and those convicted face up to three years in prison and a fine up to RM5,000, or both. This law has been used in recent times to charge, , among others,  high-profile academicians and commentators.

Defamation and libel laws are widely accepted as exception to the right to freedom of expression so long as they are limited to restricting a narrow category of speech and do not impose criminal sanctions or disproportionate civil penalties. Defamation and libel laws are designed to protect the public reputation of individuals by sanctioning the dissemination of false statements of fact damaging to an individual’s reputation. 

The Public Order (Preservation) Ordinance 1958 allows the Police to declare certain areas “restricted”, and to regulate processions or meetings of five persons or more. The maximum sentence for the violation of a restricted area order is imprisonment of 10 years and whipping. 

The Internet and new information communication technologies (ICTs), which are now an integral part of everyday life for many individuals worldwide, have massively expanded the ways in which people impart and receive information, and the channels through which expression and the receipt of information can occur.  However, restrictions on ICTs,  including the Internet, are on the rise, particularly legal restrictions that attempt to closely control the flow of information online.   In Malaysia, regulations governing ICT, including the Internet are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Communications and Multimedia which oversees the  Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission . The 1998 Communication and Multimedia Act gives the ministry a range of powers, including licensing the ownership and operation of network facilities.


It is universally acknowledged that the right to freedom of expression and freedom of publication is a foundational human right. However, it is also universally recognised that it is not an absolute right. While a thriving civil society depends on an active, expressive citizenry, it also depends on certain legal protections to ensure that expressive activities do not harm others and in the Malaysia case, it has developed certain framework of limitations.

After the May 2018 General Elections, when the new coalition government took over, freedom of expression in general is receiving breath of fresh air in Malaysia. The general environment for journalists and writers is much more relaxed and they have been able to resume writing without much fear of harassment.  Malaysia’s ranking on the World Press Freedom Index 2019 has improved significantly compared to the previous year. This indicates that global perception about Malaysia’s freedom of expression has become more positive. This development is important to motivate Malaysian writers to publish and create better quality contents but content creations are not only dependent on regulations and legislations. Malaysian publishing practitioners need to change and be more competitive in the ways they create, manage and operate this national and cultural heritage.


Bloomfield B.C. (1979). A.B. Bone and the Beginning of Printing in Malaysia, London: India Office Library and Records Report.

Maizatul Nazlina, (2018), “Zunar sedition case withdrawn”,  in The Star, 31 July.

Md Sidin Ahmad Ishak (1998). Penerbitan dan Percetakan buku melayu, 1807-1960. Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.

Md Sidin Ahmad Ishak (2006). Suku Abad Pesta Buku Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur, 1982-2006. Kuala Lumpur: Majlis Buku Kebangsaan Malaysia.

Ooi Kok Hin (2017). The Policing and Politics of the Malay Language. Penang: Penng Institute.

Portal Rasmi Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia, accessed at 25 May 2019 at

Proudfoot,  Ian, (1986). “A Formative Period in Malay Book Publishing”in Journal of the Malayan Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, 59 Part 2, pp.  101-132.

Proudfoot, Ian, (1989). Major Library Holdings of Early Malay Books” in Kekal Abadi 8(1), March, pp 7-17.

Roosfa Hashim (2006), Pengharaman Bahan Penerbitan di Malaysia,  in Md Sidin (2006), Suku Abad Pesta Buku Antarabangsa. Kuala Lumpur, 1982-2006. Kuala Lumpur: Majlis Buku Kebangsaan Malaysia, pp 131-144.

United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, accessed 16 May 2019, at

International and Comparative Law Analysis on FCA, accessed 16 May 2019, at

United Nations International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, accessed at 16 May 2019 at

Majlis Makan Malam Gala 50 Tahun MABOPA

Majlis Makan Malam Gala 50 Tahun MABOPA akan disempurnakan oleh YB Tuan Haji Khalid bin Abd. Samad, Menteri Wilayah Persekutuan pada 25 April 2016, Khamis jam 8.00 pm- 11.00 pm di Topaz Ballroom, One World Hotel, Selangor.

Majlis ini akan diserikan lagi dengan MABOPA mengiktiraf penyertaan keahlian ahli untuk tahun ke-50 dan juga ahli-ahli 25 tahun ke atas. Berikut adalah senarai ahli-ahli MABOPA yang menerima anugerah khas:

a. Anugerah Emas (Keahlian ke-50 Tahun)

  1. Pearson Malaysia Sdn Bhd
  2. Marshall Cavendish (M) Sdn Bhd
  3. Penerbit Universiti Malaya

b. Anugerah Perak (Keahlian 25 Tahun ke atas)

  1. Oxford Fajar Sdn Bhd
  2. The Malaya Press Sdn Bhd
  3. Pan Malayan Publishing Co. Sdn Bhd
  4. Pustaka Sistem Pelajaran Sdn Bhd
  5. Utusan Publications & Distributors Sdn Bhd
  6. Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn Bhd
  7. IBS Buku Sdn Bhd
  8. Golden Books Centre Sdn Bhd
  9. Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
  10. Grolier (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd
  11. Malaysian Book Centre
  12. Pelanduk Publications (M) Sdn Bhd
  13. International Law Book Services
  14. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka
  15. Tropical Press Sdn Bhd
  16. Associated Educational Distributors (M) Sdn Bhd
  17. Sasbadi Sdn Bhd
  18. Penerbit Prisma Sdn Bhd
  19. Penerbitan Jaya Bakti Sdn Bhd
  20. Darulfikir
  21. Hup Lick Publishing (M) Sdn Bhd
  22. S. Abdul Majeed & Co. Sdn Bhd
  23. Eddiplex Sdn Bhd
  24. Flo Enterprise Sdn Bhd
  25. Penerbitan Fargoes Sdn Bhd
  26. Cerdik Publications Sdn Bhd
  27. United Publishing House (M) Sdn Bhd
  28. Penerbit Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
  29. Kohwai & Young Publications (M) Sdn Bhd

MABOPA mengucapkan tahniah kepada semua penerima anugerah khas ini kerana telah berjaya mengharungi 50 tahun pahit manis industri perbukuan negara secara amnya dan industri penerbitan buku di Malaysia secara khasnya.

Publishers Workshop, Conquering The Challenges – Successful Publishing Today

Persatuan Penerbit Buku Malaysia (MABOPA) dan Frankfurter Buchmesse dengan kerjasama Perbadanan Kota Buku akan menganjurkan Publishers Workshop, Conquering The Challenges – Successful Publishing Today.

Bengkel kali ini akan memfokuskan kepada :

  • membincangkan hak cipta dan perlesenan
  • membincangkan bagaimana pengedaran dalam penerbitan digital secara efektif.
  • membincangkan cabaran-cabaran dan formula-formula yang telah berjaya serta strategi pemasaran yang telah digunakan dalam model perniagaan baru.
  • membincangkan bagaimana kandungan hak cipta boleh digunakan berkali-kali untuk mendapatkan manfaat kewangan yang maksima.

Maklumat dan Yuran Bengkel:

Date Type of Module Fees
Members of MBIC & ABPA (RM) Non-members (RM)
5-6 Sep 2016 MODULE 1 233.20 339.20
Publishing! Spotlights on: Programme Strategy, Target Groups, Trends and Marketing Channels.
7 Sep 2016 MODULE 2 148.40 254.40
Selling Rights to Asia and the World
8 Sep 2016 MODULE 3 148.40 254.40
Digital Distribution and Digital Strategy
* Prices are inclusive of 6%GST

Jualan Atas Talian Terbesar di Malaysia, #MyCyberSALE

Jualan siber adalah jualan dalam talian yang dijalankan melalui internet bagi tahun kedua kalinya. Urusniaga jual beli ini dibuat melalui laman web eCommerce atau eMarketplaces dari kedai-kedai dalam talian di Malaysia dengan menawarkan produk dan perkhidmatan masing-masing pada harga yang istimewa. Ia akan berlangsung dari 28 September – 2 Oktober 2015.

Jualan Atas Talian Terbesar di Malaysia, #MyCyberSALE.

Jualan siber adalah jualan dalam talian yang dijalankan melalui internet bagi tahun kedua kalinya. Urusniaga jual beli ini dibuat melalui laman web eCommerce atau eMarketplaces dari kedai-kedai dalam talian di Malaysia dengan menawarkan produk dan servis masing-masing pada harga yang istimewa. Ia akan berlangsung dari 28 September – 2 Oktober 2015.

#MYCyberSALE ini adalah satu inisiatif kerajaan Malaysia, anjuran Perbadanan Pembangunan Multimedia (MDeC). #MYCyberSALE diharapkan dapat bertindak sebagai pemangkin untuk membangunkan industri eCommerce di Malaysia.

MDeC memfokuskan agar melalui kempen promosi #MYCyberSALE ini dapat meningkatkan pendapatan serta memberi kesedaran secara macro agar peniaga-peniaga di Malaysia melibatkan teknologi sebagai alat dalam mempromosikan produk dan perkhidmatan mereka. Melalui inisiatif ini MDeC dan kerajaan Malaysia akan dapat:

  • menjana permintaan membeli-belah dalam talian daripada pengguna;
  • menggalakkan perusahaan kecil dan sederhana (SMEs) menggunakan teknologi eCommerce dalam perniagaan mereka; dan
  • meningkatkan pendapatan domestik melalui eCommerce

Peluang ini juga tidak disia-siakan oleh pemain-pemain dalam industri perbukuan. Jika anda mencari promosi buku hebat dalam tempoh promosi #MyCyberSALE kali ini boleh melayari laman web dari rakan-rakan niaga kami di bawah:

Kedai Buku:

Nama Rakan Niaga Laman Web eCommerce

E-book Store:

Nama Rakan Niaga Laman Web eCommerce

Selain itu, anda juga boleh terus ke laman web eCommerce dari penerbit-penerbit besar dan terkenal berikut untuk mendapatkan diskaun yang hebat semasa kempen promosi ini berlangsung.

Nama Penerbit Laman Web eCommerce

Ayuh semua kita meriahkan lagi #MYCyberSALE kali ini. Ingat! 28 September – 2 Oktober 2015 ini.

Baca World 2015

Date: 30 – 31 January 2015
Time: 10 am – 8 pm
Date: 1 February 2015
Time: 10 am – 6 pm
Venue: Hall 4, Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre (KLCC)

As our daily lives continue to transform into becoming more digitalized each day, we believe that great contents should too. Inspired by digitalization, we bring you BACA, a truly unique digital content exhibition that complements our digital lifestyle.

Being the first of its kind in Malaysia, BACA pledges to unlock new grounds for content sharing by expanding the potential of digitalized communication. BACA brings you the latest advancement in digital world that drives us into a new age of knowledge, communication and convenience.

BACA is a borderless platform for ideas, exploration and digital innovation across all generations. Come and experience this revolutionary moment with us as we celebrate the marvels of our technology!

ASEAN Ebook Conference 2014

Pendaftaran untuk ASEAN Ebook Conference kali ke dua dibuka sekarang. Pada AEC kali pertama dalam tahun 2012, kita melihat perkembangan yang berlaku sekitar rantau ASEAN sahaja. Dalam tahun ini kita akan melihat kepada perkembangan dalam dua pasaran ebook paling besar – India dan China.

Tarikh:Khamis, 28 Ogos 2014.
Tempat:The Prince Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.
Yuran Pendaftaran:RM450 / seorang

  (Pendaftaran berkumpulan minimum 3 orang akan diberikan diskaun 10%)


7.30 AMRegistration
8.30 AM – 8.45 AMOpening Ceremony of ASEAN Ebook Conference 2014
8.50 AM – 9.50 AMSession 1: EPUB3 & Metadata Management by Paul Singh (IT Manager, Harlequin Enterprises Pty Ltd)
9.55 AM – 10.55 AMSession 2: Ebook Market Development in Vietnam by Thanh Tran-Trong (Chairman, Vinapo Vietnam)
10.55 AM – 11.15 AMCoffee Break
11.15 AM – 12.15 PMSession 3: Ebook Market Development in Asia Pacific by Malcolm Neil (Director Acquisitions APAC, Kobo)
12.15 PM – 2.00 PMLunch
2.00 PM – 3.00 PMSession 4: Ebook Market Development in India by Vivek R (Business Development – Books & Ebooks, Flipkart India Pvt. Ltd.)
3.05 PM – 4.05 PMSession 5: Ebook Market Development in China by Dr Ren Dianshun (Executive Editor-In-Chief of China’s Publishers Magazine)
4.05 PM – 4.20 PMCoffee Break
4.20 PM – 5.20 PMSession 6: Forum on Malaysia Ebook Market
5.20 PM – 5.45 PMClosing Ceremony of ASEAN Ebook Conference 2014
6.30 PMEnd

Tokyo International Book Fair 2014: Malaysia sebagai Negara Tema

Malaysia sebagai Negara Tema dalam Tokyo International Book Fair 2014 yang akan dianjurkan oleh Institut Terjemahan Negara Malaysia (ITBM). Acara ini bakal berlangsung pada 2-5 Julai 2014 di Tokyo Big Sight, Jepun.

Bayaran RM3000 akan dikenakan sebagai komitmen dan akan dipulangkan semula selepas selesai TIBF2014. Maklumat lengkap berkenaan TIBF2014 boleh dilayari di

Ahli yang berminat menyertai acara ini boleh mengisi borang jawapan dilampiran dan e-melkan terus kepada pegawai ITBM.

  • Encik Mohd Khair – 03-41451802
  • Puan Siti Rafiah Sulaiman – 03-41451900 / e-mel:
  • Encik Sakri Abdullah – 03-41451922 / e-mel:

Kuala Lumpur Trade Copyright Centre 2013

KLTCC 2013 telah dibuka untuk pendaftaran. Gerai akan dijual pada harga serendah RM500.

Lebih 60 gerai akan ditawarkan kepada syarikat yang berminat dalam jual beli hakcipta. Dari 60 gerai ini, 10 gerai ditawarkan kepada studio animasi, 5 kepada penerbit drama dan filem, dan minimum 10 gerai ditawarkan kepada penjual/pembeli luar dari Malaysia.

Fokus tahun ini adalah dalam pelbagai jenis bisnes cross media iaitu antara buku <-> animasi <-> filem dan drama, selain dari jual beli lesen terjemahan.

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