Re. Mabopa-Matrade Hi Tea Function.
Date: 18th August, Monday.
Venue: Jakarta Room ll. Menara Matrade.
Time: 2.30 pm till 5.30 pm.
It was a fruitful get-to-gether session with more than 50+ members turned up, and we hope that members would now be able to get in touch directly with the Matrade team.
The most important thing to do after this session, is to register yourself to be a Matrade member to enjoy the assistance and services. Get yourself registered on line at: www.matrade.gov.my. Membership is now free. In the early days when we have to pay to be a member! Back in 1999 only two publishers were registered members of Matrade.
In attendance to the short briefing and presentation were Matrade’s Encik Mohamad Kamarudin Hassan (Deputy CEO) and Encik Mohamad Sabri Ab. Rahman (Director of Services section). The Q & A questions among others touched on member’s problems of exporting books to Jakarta and incidently this briefing was ironically held in the ‘Jakarta’ room!
Warmest regards,
Young Poh Loon.
Information Sub Comitee.